You are here: Creditors > Configuration > Classifications


Classification codes are used to group creditors and provide the linking to the General Ledger accounts.  These accounts are used to control the posting of journal sets from transactions involving the creditors e.g. purchase invoices, creditor payments etc.  Term days and type are also attached to the Classification - e.g. 30 days from Statement. Workflow type is also linked and it is automatically attached when creating a new purchase order.

Ledger accounts are used by the following processes

Name Used By
Creditor Control Purchase invoices, Landed Cost invoices and import cost invoices (where recorded against a creditor), Supplier Return Credits, Cash Book Payments and Receipts, Creditor batch transactions, Bank Reconciliation for direct payments/receipts to and from creditors, and Cheque/EFT Payments
Creditor Purchases Purchase invoices and Landed Cost invoices when the following system settings are unticked
  • System > UseCostOfGoodsLedger
  • Purchase Invoing > UseInventoryPurchasesLedger
Creditor Discounts Cash Book Payments and Bank Reconciliation for direct payments to creditors
Creditor Sourced Payment Cheque/EFT Payments, Cash Book Payments
Creditor Debit Adjustment Creditor Debit Adjustments
Creditor Sourced Purchase Creditor Invoices
Creditor Credit Adjustment Creditor Credit Adjustments
Creditor Freight Purchase invoices, field Freight in the Totals grid
Creditor Insurance Purchase invoices, field Insurance in the Totals grid
Creditor Duty Purchase invoices, field Duty in the Totals grid
FX Gain/Loss Cheque/EFT Payments and allocations made in the creditor record for FX creditors
FX Unrealised Value No longer used
Term Days and Term Type Information is used to calculate the Due Date of a transction. Purchase invoices, Landed Cost invoices and import cost invoices (where recorded against a creditor), Creditor batch transactions
WorkFlow Purchase orders


1. Creditors Configuration Classifications
2. New record
3. Type in Term Days and select Term Type from the list box - Invoice or Statement
4. Select Worflow from the search window
5. Select from the search window the relevant General Ledger accounts pertaining to this classification
6. Save changes

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